Painted Face

2001 Poetry

As I wake up,

I realize that today,

is yet another day.

Another day to put up with you,

and all of your crap.

So I get out my set of "happy paints"

and paint on,

yet another fake smile.

That will soon wear thin.

My paints are starting to dry,

and when they do,

you will start to see,

the real me.

And when my paints are gone.

I will have to face each day,

as a new person.

One who doesn't like herself,

because people don't look at her,

for who she really is.

Just the girl,

with the painted face.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 2-20-01. It's about when I was depressed and I would always smile to hide all the pain I felt inside. I didn't want people to know about my life.. and how everything was.. so I just pretended it was all ok.

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