Heart Pried Open just to be Broken

Heart pried open just to be broken.

Shell opened just to be closed.

Vulnerable to him, only to be withdrawn again.

Stronger than ever, but weaker than before.

Tearful than usual.

Throughout it all just to feel not happiness, not love, not fulfillment, but numb.

On both our darkest moments, you chose to end it.

Both not knowing the light of our tunnel, thinking that we’d find it together.

Thinking that we’d hold hands together into the future, through our obstacles, but only to find that hand is now gone.

Everything’s gone, the heart left hurt, confused, numb, and angry at itself.

Angry that it wasn’t good enough, not strong enough, felt like it wasn’t the one.

Blaming itself for everything because it felt like it was its own fault.

But then, the heart tries to find itself again through its grief, still not embracing the new yet, as the wound that tore it in half, is still too fresh.

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