ABC... Poem


Karyn Indursky

Across my paper 
barriers break down
crumbling rumpled thoughts.

Daring to share
expressions of art
from the eyes of a poetess.

Gracefully letting ink tongues
hinge cabinets of minds to
inspire people to be themselves.

Juggling interpretations daintily
knowing there are no wrong or right
lingering feelings towards it.

Manifesting diction to illuminate
nature's wonder
opening your muse unexpectedly.

Painting a masterpiece
quietly until a writer's voice
roars with personality, talk, style.

Stanzas help towards
transpiring opinions creatively in
unifying friendships, readers, and authors.

Velvet textures add depth
wondrously allowing you to view
x-raying outlined poems until...

yearning eyes
zoom to read, comprehend, and interpret my poetry.
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