
Karyn Indursky
I yell to you,
but no one's there.
It's just the air
to throw back
to me
what I wanted to say.
It's just the air
to throw back
to me
what I held in.
It's just the air
to throw back
what was so dear.
It's just the air
to throw back
my feelings with disregard.
It's just the air
to throw back
my feeling of suffocation.
It's just the air
to throw back
my feeling of my throat tightening.
It's just the air
to throw back
my feeling of desperate need.
It's just the air
to throw back
my real feelings for you.
It's just the air
to throw back
what was once my heart.
It's just the air
to throw back
the shadows of what was once my heart.
It's just the air
to throw back
feelings of regret.
It's just the air
to throw back
feelings of despair.
It's just the air
to throw back
feelings of hollow images.
It's just the air
to throw back
feelings of being alone.
It's just the air
to throw back
memories...painful memories.
It's just the air
to throw back
glorious memories with you.
It's just the air
to throw back
the good with the bad.
It's just the air
to throw back
you slamming the door on me.
It's just the air
to throw back
the way you left.
It's just the air
to throw back
how you didn't care.
It's just the air
to throw back
salty streaming overflowing tears.
It's just the air
to throw back
everything I ever wanted to tell you.
It's just the air
to throw back
what you walked away from.
It's just the air
to throw back
what you didn't care to hear or see or feel or touch...
It's just the air
to throw back
what you chose to ignore.
It's just the air
to throw back
what could have...should have been.
It's just the air
to throw back
the feeling of you nipping me in the bud.
It's just the air
to throw back
what you left me with...
a hollow
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