My Love For Thee


My love for thee

Karyn Indursky

I love him...
endearing, sweet, compassionate
protecting, nurturing, advising...
It's just incredible.
I've never known
a love
so true
or so deep.
It runs
through my every
essence of being.
It never fades
and probably never will
because I don't love
just one thing
about him.
I love all
of him,
including his follies.
I love him
to the death
of the grave
he left me
and, hell, beyond that.
I love him
to the pillars
of hell
and the unlimited
boundries of heaven.
I love him
more and more
each day
because his body
may be dead,
but he's not.
He's here
in spirit
and I have
to believe that
or I am
truly alone.
That's not
how I want
to be.
I want
to be with
in some way, shape, or form.
It won't be
until I'm dead
that we will be
fully united again,
but, until then,
he has
my love for thee.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this poem for my deceased and much loved cousin, Anthony Romig. He died at age 20 and I'm almost twenty. I grow more scared each day, but with my love of him maybe I can make through.

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