Friendship Applicant


Friendship Applicant

Karyn Indurksy

If your mind is toast
let me be the butter
upon your golden brown
exterior. If your mind
is lost let me be in
your hostess to travel
on. If your mind is empty
allow me to be your
server. If your mind is
wandering permit me to be
your beacon in the night.
If your mind is fried allow
me to be a fire extinguisher.
If your mind is on cloud-9
let me to be your billowy
cloud of happiness. If your
mind is mourning cry on
me and I will absorb your pain.
If your mind is reminiscing
remember me fondly. If your
mind is absent drink me in
and fill it with whatever parts
of me you need. If your mind
is distressed squeeze me as
your stress ball and let me
burst. If your mind is experiencing
amnesia lean on me to guide
you your difficult time. If your
mind is combusting with joy
and can't hold a secret confide
in me. If your mind is overloaded
dump what you need and want
on me. If your mind is blind
realize I am your friend through

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by Huck Hickson

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