Cupid's Catastrophe

Cupid's Catastrophe

Cupid's Catastrophe
Karyn Indursky
September 2012

Once upon a time
Cupid got a dirty diaper
and left his bow and arrow unattended...

The Grinch had his binoculars in hand
for the perfect time to swipe
his love arrows.

For on his list was Barbie
because her personality was like her body,
fake and made of plastic.

Barbie would've fell for Ken,
but Ken was a jock
who pissed off the Grinch,
who couldn't get a touchdown
to save his freakin' life
and for revenge he made Barbie
dance in love with Rambo.

Next on the Grinch's list
was Chloe, a Cheerleader,
who were way too perky and friendly
for his liking.

For no one's that happy
and for his chocolate-coated revenge
he made her love an ogre.

Smiling his devious grin
he shot Princess Tia in her
buttocks next.

She was too dainty
and he wanted a tomboy
kind-of gal.

So, he took his shot
at Tia and hit her
with a sinister laugh.

Tia was coerced to
fall in love with
with Al Capone.

Aphrodite was babysitting Cupid
and took him back to find
the bow and arrows,
but the havoc was brewing.

Cupid followed the trail
of broken-hearts with his bucket
to collect their tears
and with his tender touch
he began to heal them.

Aphrodite was mad as can be.
How dare the Grinch interfere with love?!
And to steal from a baby?!?!

With a snap of her Goddess fingers,
the Grinch was punished to
granting wishes for sincere happiness, love, and happily-ever-after's
and there was NOTHING
the mean, cruel, manipulative, conniving Grinch hated more,
but in the end justice was served.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Insight for the character selection: The grinch is the opposite of santa who has a list of who's been nice and wants to share merriment. Hence I chose him to be the "villain." Cupid is the one is supposed to be in charge of helping people find true love and Aphrodite is to babysit Cupid, make sure love runs smooth, and things go without a hitch. There'd be no story without without a hitch though and gave the fairy-tale my special twist. Hope you enjoy my tale.

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