Cruise For Two

Cruise For Two

Cruise For Two
Karyn Indursky
August 2012

Once upon a time Princess Jasmine
was walking through Yellow Stone park
with her picnic blanket.

Upon an emerald blanket
she sat in her blue paisley dress
and opened her basket-full
of lemon morang pie, hogies, and a banana split.

Yogi Bear's nose went biserk.
He stole the Ranger's bike
and took off.

Princess Jasmine was
nibbling her banana split
when Yogi Bear swiped her food.

Scared, Princess Jasmine screamed.
Prince Robinhoood leapt from a vine
and swept her into his arms
before the blanket toppled
into the waterfalls.

They landed on the ground
where he gently rubbed her arms
and calmed her fears.

He gave her a pack of
peanut butter crackers
to adjust her sugar.

In his water bottle
he had milk
and she swallowed it like a fish.

Jasmine's eyes met Robinhood's
smile until he brushed a stray hair
off her ivory skin
to kiss her sweet, luscious lips.

Her arms went around his neck...
His arms held her to his chest...
and romance began to humm.

When Jasmine and Robinhood
went back to the house
they were holding hands,
sharing casual conversations, and falling in love.

Yogi still didn't intend to refund
the food and Robinhood didn't
want her to be hungry.

So, he snatched the basket,
restocked the food, and took her on
a romantic cruise.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Upon request, I gave the fairy-tale a happily-ever-after. You're welcome Ms. Dove and Mr. Rhythm.

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