Writer's Empire

Writer's Empire

Writer's Empire
Karyn Indursky
August 2012


Once upon a time Princess Smoothie
was having a costume party...


Princess Smoothie was dressed
as Cleopatra with Princess Dove
at her side dressed as Jane...


Rabbit showed up as Cat-woman
and Ashes strutted in
wearing her Tiger outfit
with PoetryWings waiting
in her Emily Dickinson costume
handing them their party favors
of golden angel friendship...


Prince Rhythm was manning
the radio in his cowboy costume
with Beavis dressed as
a bartender with his tablet
in his poetic hand...


The party was awesome
with booty-shaking rhythms
of music strumming poetic lyrics
until an ex-boyfriend
showed up wearing a Tarzan costume....


He got all up in her face
and Cowboy Rhythm wasn't havin' it
at the Writer's Empire.


Cowboy Rhythm used his lasso,
wound up Tarzan,
and tied him to a ceiling fan
to spin him round and round
until the knotted rope broke free
sending him into the awaiting
mouth of a starving dragon.

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