

Karyn Indursky

Poetry doesn't have to be conformed.
Not all poems rhyme.
Some are long, but others short.
Syllables shouldn't have to be in set pattern.
Points can be clear or hard to find.
Poets look to express thoughts, perspective, ideas, emotions, fantasies, memories, etc.
Each poem should reflect upon the author as an individual.
Stories can be told.
Everything can be shown from the heart yet written by their hand.
Making it neat or "proper" shall not be a concern.
I'll stick with my freestyle.
No limits or restrictions or conforming.
I'd rather be myself than just another poet.
Ideas are sparked by a mood, day, insight, reading or seeing or feeling something, etc.
If I was meant to be like everyone else, I wouldn't be me.
So, my poetry style is free.

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