Throwing Me Away

Throwing Me Away

Karyn Indursky

Sharing every essence of being
is done in disturbing my poetry
amongst people thought to enjoy
it, me, my hobby, my goal,
my dream, my life, my everything.
Throughout my writing tangents,
I bare my soul to these people
over and over and over and over
to be hopefully warmly embraced with
acceptance, support, love, understanding, etc.
While discovering my true self
in my journey through life's writing
my book full of heart felt poetry
not only given to me, but also them.
Yet, even with this hardback book
containing my normally deeply hidden
thoughts, opinions, feelings, dreams,
fantasies, suggestions, advice, religion
along with every intimate thing
that can show how deep my soul is,
many people reject it all
and show me no matter how fooled
I was to believe I could occupy their emotions
nothing can change when everyone's busy
throwing me away.

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