If Only I Could Spell...

If only I could spell...

Karyn Indursky


If only I could spell,
I'd be out of computer hell.
I wouldn't have to rely on
keys to erase my errors
or the ABC check to fix them, too.
If only I could spell,
I'd have an abundance of books to sell
because many are like me in that they can speak and pronounce,
but spelling is a downfall.
If only I could spell,
I ring the liberty bell
for all to hear because I'd be so proud.
If only I could spell,
I'd be out of this jail cell
of dependence of books and people.
If only I could spell,
all would be well
and I leave in hopes and dreams
of being the whiz kid who wins that spelling bee
instead of just researching, checking, and editing me.

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