Think About Me

Think About Me

Karyn Indursky

Think about me when you
see a quill pen gracing the
paper beneath your fingers.


Think about me when you
read my poetry and are
viewing the real me.


Think about me when you
listen to Billy Holiday's songs
belting out a deeper meaning.


Think about me when you
hear a frog croaking as it
sits upon the lily pads.


Think about me when you
smell a baby after a bath
and love overwhelms you.


Think about me when you
sniff dark red rose petals
turning black on the folds.


Think about me when you
touch your hair to feel
softness coat your fingers.


Think about me when you
feel hot water beating down
on your exposed cleansing.


Think about me when you
have clementines dancing on
your salivating tongue.


Think about me when you
taste my poetry crunching down
on your enlightened being.

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