Runaway Train

Runaway Train

Karyn Indursky

I've jumped on
a runaway train!
I'm not coming back!
The hell with stress!
The hell with aggravation!
The hell with pressures!
The hell with racism!
The hell with adultery!
The hell with prostitution!
The hell with AIDS and HIV!
The hell with disease!
The hell with violence!
The hell with rape!
The hell with abuse!
The hell with starvation!
The hell with molestation!
The hell with death!
The hell with murder!
The hell with suicide!
The hell with manslaughter!
The hell with...
everything that makes our lives
in disarray!
I'm taking this train
to a divine world!
I'm taking this train
to somewhere special!
I'm taking this train
not alone, but with all who wish to join!
I'm taking this train
full speed!
I'm taking this train
to go live with God!
I'm taking this train
to there forever!

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