To Him

Lost Love

He was my rock.

He was my everything when I had nothing.

He was my first kiss of love.

He was my first taste of life.

Not life like you may be thinking, but life anew.

Life I’d never known before.

Life I’d never realized existed until then.

Life I’d never want to give up.

Life I’d never really completely understand.

I’d never really understand it until I lost it, that is.

Lost everything that made life real.

Lost everything that joined me to him.

Lost everything that made sense to me.

Lost everything that comforted me.

Then, and only then, did I fully understand.

Understand the impact of the life I’d known.

Understand the impact of what I’d experienced.

Understand the impact of all I’d seen and felt.

Understand the love we’d shared.

But most importantly, I gained wisdom from the love that I’d lost.

Wisdom that changed my mindset.

Wisdom that changed my heart.

Wisdom that changed my soul.

Wisdom that changed my outlook on life.

For that I am eternally thankful to him.

©Laura A. Bennett

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