Love Poems


Did you hear that?

That deafeningly silent sound?

The sound that never ceases?

That’s the sound of my heart breaking.

Did you see that?

That awful, almost blinding sight?

The sight that burns into your memory?

That’s the sight of my heart crying.

Did you feel that?

That touch that soothed your trembling soul?

The touch of love you’ll never forget?

That’s the touch of my soul reaching for yours.

Did you taste that?

That taste that was almost bittersweet?

The taste that will linger on forever?

That’s the taste of love that no longer exists.

Did you understand that?

That complexly simple information you just received?

The astonishingly vague picture that was painted for you?

That’s the realization of the love you let die.

Never forget that…

I know I won’t.

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