Can’t Take It

When nobody’s listening

The pain inside me becomes a glistening

My mother screams at me down the hall

As I slam the bloody fist into the wall

A red river flows from my wrist

No one sees me while I make the next swish

Then I scream to them, “IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT.”

Releasing my pain that was stored in the vault

Then the tears begin to fall

As they see me lying in the hall

My tinted treasure embedded in the wall

Wishing I could just end it all

Knowing that I was losing my life

They gave up pain and sacrificed strife

The screams of pity echo in my ears

Family and Friends releasing the worst fears

I think of all the bullshit handed down

A fist fight here

And a sucker punch there

Knowing that most wouldn’t even care

Rememberin’ all the shit, I was to dare…

As the crimson pool begins to grow

People around me begin to bend down low

Someone is calling to help me go

Then I watch the bandage being tied in a bow

The darkness flows into my eyes

I remember the broken promises and the lies

Then I tell myself not to despise

Just begin to mutter your sad goodbyes

Then I say, “Everyone dies…

I am no one special here today,

Just because I choose to die this way.

So leave me to die and just go away!

Because there is nothing here to make me stay.”

Then as I take my last breath,

“No one blame yourselves for the theft, you weren’t listening.”

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