Back from the Brink

I can feel the cold surrounding me,
Numbing every single part of me,
Engulfing me into its deep icy darkness,
The maw threatening to swallow me entirely,
Its icy grip firmly around my body....

My mind getting slowly tired lethargic,
Thoughts grow irrelevant and tiring,
Every small movement a struggle,
Every thought seems so small,
Everything seems to just relax....

Surrender seems to be the topic of choice,
I can feel my spirit leaving my body,
Spirit ready to shed its physical body,
Mind is ready to give up to the ghost,
Yet something stubbornly anchors me to earth....

A voice says suddenly to me,
Why are you temping fate early,
You are not yet welcome here,
I say nothing to it in reply,
You will go back now to the world again....

Suddenly with a deep breath,
I am dragged back into consciousness,
Everything flowing back in,
Movements no longer sluggish,
My mind body soul given new purpose....

Was it worth opening that door early,
Getting a peak into permanent darkness,
Seeing the alpha & omega of life,
We were hoping for some purpose,
Yet there was none to this exercise....

There was yet one inescapable conclusion,
One fact which completely emerged,
One overriding lesson above all,
Lesson was simple direct brutal,
Don't ever tempt fate again.....


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written during the "dark times" in high school

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