My father's toy soldiers

My father’s Toy soldiers (Pedro Gutiérrez)


I remember how my father used to talk to me about his faithful toy soldiers with melancholy and joy, year after year he played with them and for my luck those soldiers whom he came to live great adventures were kept for me, he used to tell me to take care of them as a Treasure because for him, even to this day they still are one, he had cowboys, he had Indians, he had knights, he had Vikings, he even had the saint and blue demon, he had an army that even Julius Caesar himself had feared. They were blue, they were red, they were green, they were big, they were little, they were in good condition and bad condition. At that moment I may not have noticed, but now I can tell that it is certainly the best gift my father has given to me, no video games or money or remote control cars, could give me the happiness that gave me those soldiers. I have so many memories with them that choosing only one would be impossible. I remember a lot that at night when I was afraid, my dad would put them to stand guard at my side, in case any monster or witch came to visit me and like always, they did their job. Each time we played with them you could see how my father was transported to his childhood, an era that for him was the best in his life but at the same time, by the look of his eyes, you could see sadness because his time as a child had already passed, the most Beautiful time for a human being, was over and the soldiers who came to life each time he played with them were left behind.


Year after year they saw me grow up and like my dad, I stopped using them little by little, its sad when you think about it. Anyone else would say that they are just pieces of plastic, but they have no idea how many joys and adventures were lived thanks to them, faithful companions, who will hopefully go from generation to generation, Now the soldiers wait because just like my father, my time has already passed, calm and pacient they wait  for new adventures with his new captain (My son, if I ever got one).


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