"Gifts From Heaven"

Gifts From Heaven

Both so very small in stature

but large in heart and soul

theirs and ours

Brats from Hell


Gifts from Heaven

who light up a huge part

in the love we share together

All of US

She's the Queen of Tease

averting his attention to steal snackies

after gorging her own down in record time

She does it on purpose

knowing he's just a little feller half her size

Oh! He growls, sounds ferocious

as he possibly can, but she is smart

grabs one of their babies and takes off running

of course he takes off after her

forgetting all about the snackies

Poor LiL Feller

she done out smarted him again

and went flying back and grabbed his treats

Of course there's always plenty more

and eventually he'll get a few

even once in a while not falling for her tricks

They use to be dogs once upon a time

not anymore

they're our babies, our children

We love them

better yet, they love us unconditionally

doesn't get any better than that

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