"Keeper Of The Stars"

Keeper Of The Stars

Counting stars amongst a skyline's

smooth perfection

the beauty is invigorating

Muse's dance with their students

performing on a stage that is filled

with people from all over the world

waiting to watch




every syllable of every word

bringing alive verses that will take them places

only a Poet can deliver

There are no Homeless here

you can go anywhere with anyone

share their joy


even their sorrow

you'll never be alone

She won't allow it

Wonderland currents cleanse declarations

of independence

guidance beckons tranquility as her heart

softly touches yours

Lost whispers reveal a journey she knows

all too well

and she'll make you feel right at Home

depths of understanding the likes you've never known




Promises of tomorrow

written in the truth of today


She won't have it any other way

The Constellations have been opened

for almost three years now

July 8th the magic number

I haven't been here for all of it

yet I have watched it grow for the past two

into a Family unleashing a sacred communion

of bonded trust in each other's life songs

and it all starts

and ends

with the Lady of the Gateway

Three years can seem a long time

I know from talking to her that it seems

like just a few days ago

She loves all of this, all of you

more than anyone can imagine

I understand how much of a difference

She makes in people's lives

with just the touch of her heart

inside the truth of her words

They're her beautiful Signature

I would give my life for her

so She could continue to touch yours

I truly love her that much


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