"Laced In Jasmine Sunrise's"

Laced In Jasmine Sunrise's

Winter  finds solace in the rising

of summit storms sheeted beneath satin

and wrapped within blankets of white velvet

Limbs stir in a hush that softly sprays

from the edge of sapphire whispers

where a hint of Spring

moistens the senses of morning blossoms

swelling in warmth

urging the hunger of a new day

Smokey echo's pursue release

in the sweet of first blush

lacing fever in the swallow of rushing rivers

still liquored with moonshine sprinkles

swooning from the burst of ageless surrender

as Autumn winds

surge in the plunge of

Summer  heat

the core of all Seasons

and what we've come to know as

The beautiful truth

Time curls into minutes as the sun climbs sleepy

unwrapping the pout of misted petals

reawakening burning embers of daybreak

scented from pearls entwined with

Jasmine sighs

Going to let this sunrise linger in the moment

let the smooth of velvet unfold before my eyes

Forever leaving me breathless

in the paradise of dawn


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