

Against daunting odds

finding love,

to have found you,

a miracle of beautiful.

The beginning of each sunrise

and first thoughts are of you

My heart swells

in rigid desires

and soft caresses

as the glory of morning sunbeams

trace the shine upon your hair,

the glow on your cheeks,

and I awaken you

with tantalizing play,

kisses buried sweet

my love,

inside deep.

The day lingers

all thoughts are of you

My breath covering your flesh

creating chills that melt

into daydreams

where we discover

we are alone,

our own playground

a million stars away

from everyone,

and we surrrender to words

that create thunder and rain,

drenching our stain

to unnoticed eyes.

Midnight belongs to us

all thoughts are ours

Syllables tremble

into the core of fires

that burn in blazing tongues,

speaking languages

that slip deep inside

our existence,

where we explode

in universal sighs

of heaven.

Dreams come

and we sleep beautiful

in each others arms,

holding onto the day

keeping the night

living the future,

and tasting destiny

in the breath of our love.

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