Eternal Spring

Today i went for a walk in the spring sunshine,-
the bluebells and anemones are starting to show,
also the kingcups with their yellow heads,
all trying to catch the warming sunlight before,
the canopy closes over with the green leaves of Summer,.
early yellow butterflies dance in the breeze,
thankful for their escape from their former lives,
the little brook gurgles and chuckles,
on its way down to the river Test,
Robins trill their sweet song joining the cacophony
of tits, Blackbirds, finches and larks that say,
lets all sing, for today is a glorious day and it heralds,
the summer time and the warm long days to come,
mankind is but one of the living creatures,
king we are told over all of all he see's,
but the creatures who live in the wood know,
that you must live for each day as it comes,
because tomorrow is only promised,
but today is special, lets live it to the full
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