Jake's Poem Repair

~Jake's Poem Repair~


If the poem was born deformed or half-witted

take it to Jake's Poem Repair.

If the poem is ugly not pretty

take it to Jake.

If the poem makes your reader cry not laugh,

shout not sing, hate not love, take it to Jake.

If the poem is damaged from wind or rain or fire

take it to Jake.

If the poem shook shook shook off a shelf

onto the floor during quake to break

take it to Jake.

If the poem has been shot or stabbed or bombed

or beaten in the streets of America

take it to Jake.

If your poem has drowned or died of thirst

or hunger, suffocated or burst, succumbed to old age

or cliche' take it to Jake's Poem Repair

located in the rear

of the Popular Pauper

New & Used Book Store 


when it's open.

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