I don't know how much longer I can wait for

I can't wait forever

You're the most beautiful person I know,

Your eyes glow in the sun and when the light shines through the window,

Your soul is vibrant and keeps me whole... But

I don't know if I can wait anymore,

You tell me you're attracted to another person,

and you still love your ex,

You say you were too quick with things but,

You accepted my request,

You're the only person I love and all I want to be with, 

But I can't wait my whole life for something I'll never get,

I want to be happy with someone who wants the same,

But our two worlds are apart and all I am saying, 

I don't know how much longer I can wait for,

that peircing feeling in my heart of seeing you with someone else,

Seeing you with another soul while mines in the dark,

I cant calm my body down when I am drowned in defeat,

All I can feel is this everlonging feeling of no self-esteem,

I hope I can see a day where we are together as one,

But my patience is dying and all I ever do is sit alone crying,

When I am next to you sometimes I feel wanted because it makes me happy but not the same way around,

You keep me around because no one else is there,

I am a place holder with hopes and cares,

But I don't have all my life to figure out if you want to really try,

I don't know how much longer I have to wait for,

I truly wish I was with you and would be until the day I die. 

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