
Hells Locker


Im horrified by this despicable act, violence creating chaos and people are fighting back, all these bodies all over the ground and there limbs are all dismembered, this is a bad dream forgotten that is now being remembered. I look to my immediate right there is a grenade flying past me like a smooth flying kite, I remember all my friends that were fighting there with me, fighting our enemies it's the start of world war 3, people are dying all over the place were becoming really strong im seeing this clear mirage over the horizon of vietnam, its a scary thing to see all these people being slaughtered, but of course im the lucky duck who wasn't ever bothered, I survived through the war with minor scrapes and bruising, the enemies lost the battle and our freedom was improving, the militants were no longer the strongest in our way, its our own people now that need to become the brave.

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