The Game

It seems as if my actions are being taken lightly…you constantly do things to despise me when in reality you don’t realize how much you’re hurting me by taking the gifts I have given you and using them sparingly; if I have granted unto you the ability to cast out spirits that are not like me then why do you continue to sit here in this place amongst hypocrisy? Instead of embracing and uplifting one another, my children, you are praying for harm to overcome your brother not realizing that you are sinking further into the wrong hands…it seems as if you’re more devoted to serving man rather than serving me; I promise you life eternally and yet you continuously turn your back on me…the church is slowly turning into a place full of unrelated chemistry and bad vibes…I thought I was the leader of this tribe…now it seems as if there are many little chiefs running about…you come in this church, you dance and you shout but the way you come in is the same way you leave out….heart full of sin…I did not intend for my church to be full of hatefulness, misled curiosity, bickering of the minds and animosity…if you say that you love me then why don’t you acknowledge me; You act as if I am nothing…worth less than a penny, before me you put many; When will I be the center of your life? When will I matter to you the same way that you matter to me? Until you make the choice to put this world to shame, you will continue to be tossed to and fro while abiding in this worldly game.

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