In the Name of Love

Today she walked out the door

Leaving me hear to cry

Nothing left to live for

I might as well curl up and die

I turn off the television

Put down the remote

Pick up my pen

And write her this note

I love her so much

She’s all I’ve ever known

But now that she’s left me

Again I’m all alone

And I’m lying in bed

It’s a quarter past three

There’s not a soul in the world

That could possibly comfort me

And I’m still by myself

At a quarter to five

Life’s not worth living anymore

Got no reason to survive

So I go to the store

Buy myself a gun

I’ve made up my mind

I’m through; I’m done

I work up the courage; pull the trigger

As my body hits the floor

I guess it’s all over now

This time I’ve lost the war

Take one look

At the blood-stained wall

How times change so fast

Anymore I’m not standing so tall

But what a mistake

To bring my life to an end

Maybe it would’ve been different

If someone would’ve had a helping hand to lend

But you can’t change the past

And so it was all said and done

When I pulled the trigger

On that infamous gun

So please remember—In the Name of Love

I wrote this rhyme

And In the Name of Love

I wrote for the very last time

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