Cold Stone

2006-07 Poems

Watch him falling,

See him flying.




See him,

Spot on the map,

Blip on the radar.

Then it’s gone,

Lost Forever,

And everyone moves on.

A stone with a name,

All I'll be remembered with.

A stone with a name.




Is that what we live for?

A stone?

Is that the ultimate goal?

Whoever can get the biggest one?

It’s a competition till the end,

Fight for love,



Just for that stone.

To pay for it.

The people who come to visit.

The stone is nothing.

The stone erodes away.

The stone is washed of your sins.

Returns to the earth.

And in a thousands years time,

You are long forgotten.

A name of the past.

Perhaps paper is the ultimate legacy then,

A picture and a face,

Some words to go along.

Kids read about you in School,

Forget you when the test is over.

No it’s true,

There are only two reasons,

Reasons to be in this wondrous place.

The first is for your children,

Give them a better life,

What you never had.

The second,

And most important,

Is to live for yourself.

What’s the use trying to be famous?

When you can be happy instead.

Live to feel the emotions of life.



Live to be happy.

Forget trying to make a mark,

It will wash away in time.

Your happiness will last forever.

The soul is eternal,

Even when the stone fades,

The grass grows,

The soul remains.

Knows what it felt,

Knows the kids have the better life.

The soul lives on,

To remind those,

To live for themselves.

To not worry for the future,

Nor fret over the past.

Live for now,

Live for yourself.

It is those people,

The truly happy,

Who live forever,

And will ever remember,

That when their stone has faded,

The pictures and words forgotten,

They were happy,

They were loved,

They lived life.

For themselves,

They lived forever.

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