


It's like a virus,

something you don't want.


It sounds negative,

well, it sort of is.


But, it's not all bad.


Looking at life half empty,

is just the opposite of looking

at life half full.


We are no different.


We just look life 

through rosy colored glasses.


Our humor is dark.

We speak fluant in sarcasm.


We push buttons on purpose,

we have witty comebacks,

which can be as sharp as a sword.


We look despair in the face,

and we are ok with it.

Sometimes, we embrace it,

because it's what we know.


We are ok being alone,

hiding ourselves,

not letting anyone in.


Because if you saw us,

as us,

you would scream 

as you ran as far away as you could.


Light is welcomed,

but only in small amounts.


Joy is boring.

Happiness is ok,

it is welcomed,

but it's not paraded.


Love is the only good feeling we want,

being accepted as we are,

as we were made,

not hiding ourselves.


We see the things for how they are,

not how they should be,

not some fairy tale

that doesn't exist.


We see life

as it happened to us. 

And we are ok with it. 


Sorry, you don't see things our way,

but we won't change for you.


We will stay as we are,

the pessimists.





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