A Human Puzzle Piece

Life Is A Riddle i don't quiet understand..
I'm just trying 2 Paste together the piecez!
for a clearer picture where I stand in this,
Distorted Master piece..
I feel like a roller coaster flipping round in
circlez with my screwz slowly fallen apart,
& people are riding me!Ignoring the dangerz
of me eventually snapping,from being worn..
I feel like a puzzle mitch & match through,
different shit but never together!
Can't they see i'm human?
Stop trying to pull me by invisible stringz.
I ain't a fucking puppet!
Stop trying to drag me around i've suffered
enough beatings.
I wanna scream & tare my hair from the rootz..
I don't like this sea of different emotionz
I'm floating in!when will it all end?
My soul can't take no more it is
drowning within these bruisez.I'm trying to
survive this pain inflicted on me, by
life'z curve ballz!

Hopefully God hearz & seez my tear'z,
dripping beside my cracked heart!
Hopefully he'll wrap me in his armz & cure
me from these feelingz,lingering within me!
Restoring whatz left of my
broken confidence.I've felt the wrath of so
many stormz within me!
When will the raindropz end & the sunshine
begin?I don't want 2 seem like a drama queen,
caught up in my misery.
I'm trying to be strong through one
thing after another!
I'm tired of going through shit one minute
i'm happy,the next i'm flipped all
kindz of directionz!fucked with by many..
I'm overwhelmed feeling lost!Like a puzzle
trying to paste the pieces of me,back together.
I just want some peace from being,
A human puzzle piece..

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