CRY! With tears streaming from your eyes

For today, you are gifted with your life

SCREAM! As if you were alone on this planet

For years that passed you by showing no remorse

YELL! On the top of your lungs

For love that was never meant to be

SEARCH! Deep within yourself

For every question that is left unanswered

FORGIVE! Every soul as if, you were receiving

Of the past abuses and any future abhorrence

CLOSE! Every chapter you have left for tomorrow

As if, you were a little school boy playing after the exams

FORGET! Nothing, it is not your place to play God

For history is your identity, core of your existence

LIFE! Face its every blow heads-on

As if it were a part of your journey to freedom

FEARS! Clear them all over a morning cup of tea

As it would ease your submission to the “End”

At last you would attain the blissfulness


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