My Bedroom Window from my childhood

If you look through the window you clearly see the dark wintry mist

Completely covering these narrow roads that lead my childhood

From my bedroom window, I could see a newly built nest of an owl

He stays up with me all night long, as if protecting his life in a skin

Distant sounds of  howling dogs as if they are upset at some images of darkness

Screams of some kids playing, running futilely in the darkness of this cold street

Then you hear loud calls as if their worried mothers waiting for them to come home

This street is narrow yet leads to few more that become invisible without any lights

As the winter mist completely covers the sky, sunlight vanishes way before the night fall

Evening walks even so carefully here almost rubbing its nose against the walls

It resemble the nightly struggles of this old man  living towards the end of the

As he carefully tries to find his front door feeling the wall, stumbling with what’s left of the last of his fading eyes

Nick Kler

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