You Ever??

A New Era

You ever just wanna go ahead
and end your life?
Cuz you just hate yourself.
You hate the way you look.
You hate how your voice sounds.
Your face. Your body... Just everything...

You ever wanna just go ahead
and end your life?
The moment you realize that
everyone just leaves you.
Like you're not worth a real chance.
Like you're just here....
Just to be alone forever.

You ever wanna just end it?
Cuz you hate how everything is
in the world and so you just
have no escape from your own fucking self hatred...

You ever wanna end your life?
Cuz you're locked up in a cell
and you got the key to it,
but yet, you don't know how to unlock it...

You ever wanna just go ahead
and end your life?
Cuz no matter how hard you try...
How positive you try to be...
Life just shits in your face and says,

Yeah.... That's me...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

May 29, 2020

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