God's hand

 Last night when I was watching the bright trail of the plane near so many stars,
 I cried.
 My time is hiding in the endless stretch of God's hand that holds us all together in its grip. Together!
"There's so much we went along together, and you left me."
 Laughter can not stop, nor tears, nor time.
 Exclamations that do not fit any of the pain or joy
remains etched in the memory of the gods.
 Nothingness must have their own sense otherwise there would be nothing of our movements within our perception.
 Changing your vision in a different environment images will not longer tied to one arm, which has undertaken to be our destiny.
 Try to keep wasp in your hand and you will understand how important it is that we might become the wasps.
 We welcome our escape in the greatest mystery of the origin of this farce.
 Laughter can not stop nor tears nor time.
 "Walls of this city must fall in honor of our gods!"
 My friend takes the sword from his drawings and defend innocent busty women.
 They promised him a night to remember when he will get out from the clenched fist using their depth.
 Sighs from paradise opens door in which guards stand.
 Dragons and pumas on the path of transformation. Oblivion?
"Do not come back! We will finish what we started! "
 It's late. Clouds in aimless wandering and relief.
 Feeling of exhaustion and laughter that can not stop, nor tears, nor even time.


 God's hand grabbed us from the very beginning of our existence.
 We were wrong in only one that we did not know to keep an endless pleasure.
 So do not ever ask why the universe is infinite.
 God is watching us all the time and can not stop laughing, and neither tears nor time.

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