Damn Bird Poop

Damn them, the Damn Birds
They love to poop on my Damn car!

At first, I thought it was one of those seagulls that I saw earlier

But damn, I could be wrong
It could be some of them sleek sneaky black crows
They were all here together once again eating their future Cheetos from my gardens lawn

Perhaps it was that damn Whipple Whirl that I imagined that I heard
It doesn’t matter now
I know that they are laughing at me in bird language
For all I could know; those righteous tree spirits are in on it too

Up in the branches they hide- anticipating the right damn time to fly
No matter which of them did this crap parade show
My Damn car has now been bombed!

I know that they are damn watching; them, the Damn Birds
I hear their damn chirping
As I am washing, waiting for me to finish that perfect polishing
Especially when I isn’t looking

Hey they did, pooped bird crap on my car window, yes, once again, they shitted
Damn those birds, Damn bird poop

Reminds me after all
I am not so Damn Perfect after all


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