Come to Me. (5/2/04)

Come to me in the zero hour

come to me so I may feed off your power.

My dark lord with a soul of fire.

My dark lord, you send my evilness higher.

Come to me so I may worship upon you.

Send a prayer through your body.

My nails on your bare chest scratch

deeper and deeper.

Searching for what is mine.


and give it to me.

In the heat of the flames that encircle

us two.

We make our sweet sacrifice

until the fire runs blue.

Don’t tell me you didn’t want it.

You wanted everything.

Like a servant, I tended to your every desire

and live a lover, I made with you

an eternal fire.

I see your thoughts, that aren’t so pretty

I perform for you tasks that are ever so witty.

I’m one with the morning star

whatever evil you intend,

my actions won’t be far.

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