This is Hard for Me

Current Notebook

June 6, 2022


This is so hard for me

My tears make me see so unclearly

I did it, I got my first college degree

The first on either side of the family


But you didn't stick around for the necessary time

You're missing each small win and climb

You would be proud to know

My youngest is reading like a pro


My 2nd boy is a looker and so funny and smart

He's going to steal every girls heart

My middle girl is like me in a lot of ways

But she'll be alright once out of the akward phase


You don't have to worry about my oldest son like you thought

He is quiet but not consumed in a knot

Then the oldest wants you to look down and be so proud

You left before we could stand apart from the crowd


This is so damn hard for me

To act as if I am whole for the world to see

I did not get the chance to make you proud and it hurts deeply

You took away the fact that we will never be whole again completely

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