
Remember me?

Remember us?

The promises that we made to each other before the event of our demise

The laughter we used to share

The tears, and sorrow we used to erase from one another before those same

Emotions came from Each other

Do you still remember the things we used to do?

The things we planned on doing by the time we would reach this age…..

I fantasize occasionally what life would have been like if we got the chance to reach this stage,

In life together, the way we imagined it would be.......

I fantasize about you and me.

Would we have still said goodbye by this time, or lived happily?

...............................The butterflies still fly through my stomach when I think of you

Smiles still formulate on my face as I think of what we used to do

When being together was more like a choice than a chore

When love was something we yearned for rather than ignore

The songs we used to label as ours

And just like they continue to play on the radio , I still………….


Remember me?

Do you remember us?

The date of our arrival to what made us fall for one another to begin with

Because I remember it as clear as the clear blue sky….

I remember the moments that caught my eye,

And stole the pumping , thumping organ that made it hard to breath when you came around. move me , and not like the push of a strong wind, but like gentile tides in which im floating upon, as i gaze into the stars.

you soothe me , and not like the remedy after the scars, but like hearing a ryhtmic melody for the first time.

soo... it was inevitable that we fell for one another,

even upon our arrival i knew you were the one.

See you had me at "hello" as if it were destiny that we'd meet.

you make me whole, literally you posess the pieces to the puzzle that we've simply decided to call "romance". 

so i guess what im trying to say is

im REMEMBERING LOVE, Because im still in it.

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