Reminders of the Past

About Religion

Steak'ems used to lick Doritos' dust off of my fingers;
The memory of her, in my heart, still lingers.
I don't know why people have to care about others and not abuse them;
For, sooner or later, they are going to lose them.
So, I guess it's important to live by the minute;
To try to be content with the world while I am in it.
For, I suppose, in life, there must be much pain;
Or I would not realize how much I have to gain.
For, if you always win, you will not appreciate it;
You will take for granted a trophy; and won't debate it.
Sometimes, you must lose and experience pain;
So, you will know exactly what you have to gain.
For, if there is a higher power, he just sees us as clowns;
Completely amused by our ups and downs.
Or, maybe he just doesn't care;
If we sit across from a blank wall and stare.
That's why I call myself an agnostic;
For, life is a many-word-optioned acrostic.

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