About Cheesecake

We are about to lose our cat;
To a woman who is very fat.
She is quite despicable, for she is an avid liar;
I wish her soul would catch on fire.
I hate to say it, but to be blunt;
This woman is quite a cunt.
She sold crack to an undercover cop to end up in jail;
I believe that in life, she fails.
She is getting out of prison with very few friends;
I hope that life gets much worse for her around the bend.
I have just begun to like Cheesecake;
And now, we have to give her back to a woman who is fake.
At least, she was forced to get out of her wheelchair;
For, she is a faker who, only about herself, cares.
At least we don't have to see her, for we would want to kill her;
And then to cover her burial, we would bill her.
Our good friends are taking her in;
Which really is quite a sin.
This woman's soul will rot in hell;
Because, it was not from heaven that she fell.
I wish that she would commit suicide;
For, no one would care if she died.
Myself and my man would not have cried;
I wish she would take cyanide.
For our kitty, we will cry;
Because we just had another kitty who did die.
At least Cheesecake won't be an angel yet;
So, over him, we should not fret.
We will be down to two kitties;
Who are happy in our small apartment in a town unlike a city.
Now, it will be myself, my man, and our two furry daughters;
And through life, we will teeter and totter.
But, we will be fine as long as we stick together;
Through all of the changes of the weather.
We need to appreciate what we have in life;
For, we still have a few sweet kitties, and we are a happy common-law husband and wife.
But, we will never forget that we are losing our Cheesecake;
To a woman who is a reprehesible fake.

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