About a Contest I Entered

Self Poetry

I entered a contest a Schewel's Furniture Store;
Which really wasn't a bore.
I got my friend Charlie to drive me there;
For many people, this man cares.
For the contest, I can win a WE! system for my man;
It is a matter of chance; but, when I was there, I was thinking, "I'll do the best that I can."
Also, I can win a giant Christmas stocking;
Which really will have a lot of people talking.
I hope that I win, but if I don't; my heart won't be broken.
At least, I have my computer, a soul-saving token.
For writing poetry helps with all of my problems psychologically;
It's quite a matter of psychology.
I really wish I would win;
But, if I don't it won't be a sin.
I guess half the fun is not knowing;
While the Christmas winds are blowing.
I know a bad end of the year can turn better;
Because I have become quite a go-getter.
It can be Christmas for us all;
In the winter, spring, summer, or fall.
Because it is quite wonderful to be giving;
It is a very important part of living.

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