About My Mother

About My Family

My mother is a child molestor, and no one will believe me;
Even though, when I was a baby, she said, "I'm going to tickle your pee pee."
My sisters and I grew up in a household where she walked around nude;
And, she was quite obsessed with food.
She shoved down our throats that there is evil in sugar and white flour;
Over our brain-washed household, she had power.
She was loud, and she was annoying;
Every bit of being rude, she was enjoying.
She was very enthusiastic in talking about sex;
Only from unnatural food-eating by her children, she tried to protect.
She grew up while to her grandchildren, she would breast-feed;
I'll bet that in the sixties, she smoked lots of weed.
She lived in Belleview Mental Hospital in New York for a year;
She has caused many people many-a-tear.
She was a horrible mother to me;
Lots of people disagree.
But, it was she who neglected me;
It much felt like she did not protect me.
And, now all of the evils of the world break my soul;
No wonder I'm an alcoholic, and my heart has a hole.

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