Life is Not All About the Party

Self Poetry

Life is not all about the party;
Though, it is sometimes good to have a laugh that is hearty.
I hate it when people come around to smoke pot and talk about video games;
My common-law husbands friends are all the same.
For, about accomplishments, I am certain;
That my man's friends haven't done much with their lives harder than hanging up curtains;
It's not all about getting drunk and getting high;
You need to accomplish more than that before you die.
I hate a person who covers up his inner soul;
By drinking a beer and/or smoking a bowl.
People like this are very shallow;
I think their brains are all a bunch of marshmallows.
There are more important things to do with your time;
Than buying alcohol or smoking a dime.
I wish I didn't know so many losers;
A bunch of potheads and a bunch of boozers.
The only people I can find that possibly have my mental mania;
Are other people with depression and schizophrenia.
Maybe, I'll start talking to a man I know who has manic depression;
Maybe, I can talk to him with aggression.
For, he is a man who understands;
He is always there to hold one's hands.
Or, he is there to give a hug;
But, often people, he does bug.
He is sometimes very annoying;
But, often he has a personality I am enjoying.
He is the man who put into my world a kitten;
With the kitten, I am very smitten.
I owe a lot of thanks to this man who is young;
For, he has a lot of intelligence that is often sung.
Thank you, Chris, for being inspiring;
I hope that the next time I talk to you,
You will be wiring.
For, you are a really good friend;
I hope that we'll see each other around the bend.

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