Blood Hair Blue Room | Date: In Mid October 20??

I was in this blue tinted place and there was this guy lovingly stroking my hair; I don’t know who it was. Anyways I had an itch so I reached up to scratch and when brought my hand back down there was blood and my hair in it. I freaked out and ran into the bathroom and looked in the mirror and my hair kept falling out and it was all bloody then blood started coming from my mouth and I ran to the guy and he was packing books and then I noticed that the blue tinted room was my dead grandmothers house. The guy told me that there was a demon in the house and we have to get the hell out. Then a bunch of shit just flashed through my mind like lightning, I saw a clown, blood, faces a bunch of faces, the night sky, parts of my dead grandmothers house, and myself. All flashed by then I woke up.

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