
Sad poems

You wont take me.

Not really.

I have this release.

Cold steel, warmed by my life's blood.

You can't touch me now.

They may not care.

But my blood is still warm.

And I still share it with you.

So I rid myself of it

One cut at a time.

I may be your prisoner

But I have this one small freedom.

What more can you take from me?

There's hardly any of me left

Only your pain.

Am I just your vessel?

Finally I am rid of you

I no longer wake sweating in the dark

I no longer cry in my sleep

I no longer beg you for mercy.

The scars have faded

My smile has returned

My friends love me

Now I can be me again

I fought you for so long

I took my small victories.

You took so much, but I won.

The past is yours, the future mine.

I don't need to hurt to be free.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to Theresa, who tried to take my smile and failed, and to my friends, who gave it back with interest. For anyone who knows what it's like to hate yourself.

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