The Flying Frog (Short Story)

Short Stories

April 7, 2003 (Short Story)

On a misty snowy day, came along a flying frog asking the man in the river, “Who might you be?”  The old man replied, “I am from near, not far, but close to where I am going to.”  The frog looked confused for he did not understand where he was from.  Upon the sky where the hills were covered in snow, there was a lady coming toward the old man.  The old man turned around where he saw a lady as beautiful as emerald walking toward him.  The flying frog asked again while he was sitting on a branch, “Do you know who that lady is?”  The old man replied, “Yes, that is my wife from near and far, her name is Emerald as she is poor gold.”  The frog thought to himself how could she be 'gold' and her name be Emerald?  The lady came across the old man asking who he is and yet made the frog get confuse more.  “I am the spirit of far from near and for I love you, my loving wife.”  The lady looked above the tree to see a frog with white glowing wings.  She asked, “Who might you be?”  The frog replied, “I am a frog who seeks love, but no one wants to kiss for I am a winged frog.”  The lady got confused because she didn’t understand why the frog seeked love.  The frog continued, “I once was a prince with wings, until the old witch that lived in the mountain turned me to a frog.  I loved a princess once, but she is dead now, for now she lives in the spirit of the witch.”  The lady asked, “Why not marry my daughter, for she is single for many years.  Come by tonight, to seek your true love that awaits.”  The frog knoded his head thinking that he couldn’t do it and jumped off his way.
He reached a lake that had giant fish swimming and close to one of the fish and ask, “Are you my true love?”  The mermaid came out of the water seeing a frog with wings and said, “You’re a frog with wings, aren’t you not normal for I am a mermaid silly, I can’t live with you.” The beautiful mermaid jumped back into the water and the frog flew to the forest.  There he saw a bear taking care of her cub.  The little cub asked, “Why are you crying?”  The frog replied, “I am an ugly frog that has wings and looking for his love.”  The mother bear replied, “Come little cub, we don’t want to play with a weird frog with wings, he might carry a disease that might make us have wings and fly.”  The frog looked down and saw the cub leaving, and started to cry.  Along then came a snake, as fearsome as the devil with red glowing eyes and asked the frog, “Who are you, ssss; may I eat you?”  The frog answered back not knowing what a snake was, “No, No, you can’t eat me, for I am a handsome prince with wings.”  The snaked laughed, “You a prince, that is a good laugh, but I yet I have never seen a frog with wings before.”  Just then, the snake started to slither closer to the frog, when it cracked the branch, and made the frog fly.  It hit the ground and before he knew it, the snake had disappeared in the mist.
Later that day, he came upon a cabin seeking for food, where he came upon a door filled with food.  He knocked on the door three times; a man opened the door and asked who he was.  The frog replied, “I am a frog seeking for love, may I spare some of your fresh food?”  The owner looked at the frog and laughed and then took a pole and hit the frog.  The frog flew again hitting the rocks, where he then hit the floor in a terrible pain.  The next thing he knew, he was waking up, but not near the rocks or near anything else.  He then saw that somehow the wind blew, where he landed in the middle of the desert.  Up ahead he saw a scorpion, where he used his tongue to get him some food.  After that, he saw that he had a broken wing, so he went to find some help, before he died of the heat.  He reached an oasis where there were camels drinking and then saw a man dressed in gold.  He asked him, “May I borrow some of your wood, for my wing is too broken to fly.  The man said and asked, “Yes you can, but you have to answer my following question: I am seeking someone who was once powerful, but yet now he has disappeared.  No one knows where he went, but only his true love might know where he went.  Last time I heard that his true love died, but now I can’t seek whom he or she was.  So, I ask, do you know who this man was because I can’t seem to find ever again.”  The frog replied in happy tears, “For I am that man, who know one seeks.”  The man laughed like all others have, but noticed that this frog had wings.  He said again, “You are him, you really are him.  I didn’t notice that you had wings.  Here, take some wood, for I will help you fix your wound.”
The frog says, “Thank you, thank you.  But who might you be?”
The man said, “I am the seeker, but I seek you, for I have never seen, a frog with wings.”
Then later, he takes him to the palace, where he meets with the king of power.  The king says, “Why do you bring me such a foolish gift, for this is only a frog with wings.”
The man says, “This is no ordinary frog with wings, but one who seeks his true love and yet the princess has died within.”  The king looks in shock, for the frog starts to talk, “This man is right, I am looking for my wife, but yet the witch, killed her off.”
The king told his troops, “Troops, troops!  Find this frog his true love, but be careful, there are many dangers ahead.  Frog, you go with them and so will.  For I will stay, to guard my castle.”
The next day, the frog, man, and the troops head off to the top of the mountain, where they will find, the one evil.  They reach the base of the forest, to find the old man with her wife of gold.  The frog asks, “Hello, which way to the mountain top?”  The old man, “Hello there again fling frog, for I see that you seek your true love.”
He continues, “The trail goes to the near, but not to far.  You will reach a high, but don’t take the low.  For the high, is covered with snow.  Just be careful my little friend, I am sure you will find your love.”  Emerald continues, “Hello little one, for I have seen what you seek.  She is evil yes, but has heart, just don’t kill her yet, for you might find a surprise.”
The frog and the man wave their good byes, while they think of why the surprise.  They reach the cub and the mother bear, to ask the bear which way to the mountain.  “Mother bear, remember me?  I am that frog with ugly wings.  I ask you which way to the mountain, for I seek, my true love there,” says the frog.  The mother bear continues to walk, while the cub stops and says, “I don’t know of a true love, for I am still a young cub.  But I do know there awaits a person, at the top of the mountain in that direction.”  “Hark, Hark”, the mother bear yells, telling the cub to stay away.  They disappear in the distance near and from for when they reach the fork beyond.  “Who goes there?” appears a troll, for so that everyone stops to ask who he is. The troll responses, “I am the key keeper of the west gate, for only way to pass, is a golden egg.”  Neither the frog nor the men have seen the egg before, for they ask the troops what it is.  All the troops nod their heads, for they also don’t know of a golden egg.  The frog asks, “Where might we find this gold egg, for none of us, know what it is.”
The troll replies, “No egg, No entry.  I’ll give you a hint, but no more tips, for if I ask two, I might turn to ash.”  The troll continues, “It is lay by an animal that lays eggs, but it is not a frog for which is you.  The animal is thin, but not thick, nor it flies, like the heavenly king.  You got two days to find me the egg because if you don’t, you will not pass the gate.”
The frog, man, and troops disembark the gate, for something they do not know what it is.  Then the frog remembers, “I once have met something slim, for it didn’t fly, but it sounded evil within.”  The man said, “Why not take us to him, for we might find this egg, the troll seeks.”  They come across the slithering snake where the frog asks if he has seen the egg.  The snake replies, “I see you have return for my meal, but why do you ask if I have such thing.  Yes I do, but you have to understand, for which it is mine and no one else’s.”  The snake looks into the frog’s eyes, where they start to turn read, for they glow in the dark.  The man takes his knife, for he cuts the snakes eyes.  The snake says, “My eyes, my eyes, where art my eyes.”  In a blinding fold, the snake sees no more, for he has no choice, but to give them his pride more of all.
They return to the west gate, where they seek the troll wanting the egg.  The troll asks, “Where is my egg, for I am a very hungry man.  I only eat, golden eggs of snakes.”  The frog gives him his food, for that the troll opens the gates to the hills.  They rest the night for they made the prize in one day, for that the troll is very impressed.
The following day they walk up an up-flowing river, for they think it is very weird.  They come upon a vertical lake, where they see mermaids swimming.  The frog asks the one mermaid he talked to, “Have you seen my true love?”  The mermaid replies, “I remember you, for you are that funny frog with wings.”  I saw your love up there, for there is a witch who killed her first.  I saw the death once I was young, for when I almost died because I saw the death come on.  My father said to go away, but I stayed here with family and friends.  The witch came once asking for me, but my father became a man for he stood up for me.  I am still looking for him, I know I will find him, but not sure if he is still alive.  Here is what he looked liked, for I wish him well, for I believe he is dead and well.”
The frog and man see the picture, for that he is not dead, for he is the king.  “Your father is no dead my friend, for he is the king of the land.  After I seek my true love, we will all take you to see him in tanks of water,” says the frog.  The mermaids look at the frog and man, for they all smile and cheer for him.  They continue walking up the hill, where the hill becomes a mountain.  Above the mountain they reach a castle, where it is raining and thundering all through the night.  They rest at the base of the castle, where there are flying hawks ready to eat.  The hawks ask who they are because they have not seen many guests before or they have eaten them before they reach the castle within.  The frog replies, “I am in seek of my true love, for these are my men in hunt of the witch.  I know that you are laughing because I am a frog with wings, but fear not, for I am a prince.”  The hawks flew away, for they think he is a dumb frog because the witch knows of their arrival.  A hailstorm arrives, so that the troops are prepare to fight.  The man and frog walk into the castle while the troops protect they’re belongings.  The castle is lit up, but only where they stand because the witch wait upon their arrival.  They start to head up the stairs thinking that she might be upstairs.  The man mentions, “Are you sure you want to do this, because I am sure there are many more loves out there.  For I am afraid I might be turn into a frog too.”  The frog laughs and tells him to calm down, for he speaks craziness and not smart at all.
They reach the top of the stairs where they thought it was the second floor, but really the tower above.  The troops walk into the castle thinking they are still there, when they see, they are back outside again.  Behind a chair stands someone where the frog and man think it is the witch.  They take a closer look to see a horse, for that the witch stands behind them with a club.  They turn around and become paralyzed, for the witch starts to laugh.  The frog asks, “Are you the witch who has my true love, for I seek her and you must die.”  The witch says, “you silly frog, there is no love here, but the witch who lives here.  While your troops try and enter the castle, all they do is walk back outside.  You really think she is here?  What did you think you were, the ‘Flying Prince’?”  The man said, “You are the ‘Flying Prince’?  My apologizes for I did not know.”  The frog looks at them both for he has had enough and wants no more.  He tries to get rid of the spell where the next thing he knows, he jumps of the witch itself.  “Get off me you stupid frog, for what has gotten over you I am your true love.”  The frog and man didn’t know at first and got the surprise, for that the frog jumps off the witch.  “Are you really my true love?  Then why did you become a witch and turn me into a frog?  So, that is why the king wants you dead because he once was a mermaid, to hide his daughter’s secret.”  The witch accepts what the frog says and says that he does not want to kiss the frog.  But the custom is that if the frog finds his true love, he must be kissed the one he loves.  The witch takes her cloak off, for that the frog and man are more surprised.  “She appears to have wings, my flying prince for she is like you no one else,” says the man.  “Yes, I was one like him, but no more because I became lonely not able to find my love.  So, I turned myself into a witch and when I saw the mermaid, I tried to kill her off.  But because her father was protecting him, I got him; so he turned into a man and became a king.  Once I am turned back, you have two days to get back, before the king dies as a mermaid because the spell will be no more.  So I will kill you know my frog, for there will be no more darkness here at all, tells the witch to the man and frog.  The witch puts the frog on the chair for his gives him a kiss on the lips.
Light, power, gold, there is a blasting light, for that the frog has disappeared.  Turn, twist, lightening, there is a powerful wind; where now stands a handsome prince with wings.  Darkness, heartless, devils within the witch, where bright light comes out within.  Water falling down the edge of the tower, wind blowing, birds singing a power smell glows within the flowers.  Soon after, the witch is a princess with wings as well.  The gate becomes golden and the mermaid get fresh food.  No more darkness at this mountain, for that evil is no more.  Mountain flattens, sun shines, flowers glow, where there are dear once more.  People cheer, dogs bark, and kids play in the foreground again.
The prince and man look at the princess, for that they are happy that the power is good again.  The princess says, “I am the Princess of the Clouds, lover of the Princess of the Heavens.”  They head back home where every where they walk, darkness disappears.  They take huge tanks to carry the mermaids, for that they are happy again to see the Princess shining in gold.  They come across the troll where he is not a troll and the troll says, “Yes, I am no more a troll, for that the Princess has found her true love.”  The Prince and man are happy to see a true gatekeeper where they continue to walk with pride.  Later they come across the slithering snake, where he is not a real snake, but a man of joy.  The snake says, “I am finally a man of worship, the witch turned me into a snake for when I found her true love, I would eat him up.  I didn’t mean you any harm Prince, but they were my orders that I was given.”  The Prince apologizes for that he gives him gold, and now he doesn’t got to be poor.
The group comes upon the couple, where they say, “We told you to wait for the surprise and we see that you found the surprise.  We now don’t have to take the far, but now we can take the near low.  The high is still dangerous, but we can manage the danger.  We are off now back home, where our kids await us.”  They finally reach the castle, where the people and king await them.  They see that the witch is dead because the Princess is there and living.  They ask, “Who are these mermaids doing here?  I will have them for lunch.”  The female mermaid says, “You do not regonize your own daughter, for I am ashamed of you father.”  The king shakes his head, “No, I do not know you but I am sure you will explain.”
The sun starts to die down behind the horizon where bright light struck the clock above.  They all look above to see a ray of sun glow on the king for that the king is in a surprising stage.  He says, “What is happening to me, for I do not know.”  Seconds later he is lifted from the grown, showing all the light throughout the land.  He starts to transform into a mermaid, for that he troops do not believe it.  Seconds later he is turned back for that everyone in the land is in shocked surprise.  “Where am I?” the king asks.  He sees his daughter in front of him and asks again.  Her daughter replies, “You are my daughter father, for you were turned into a man and became the king of this land.”  He remembers now and tells the kingdom for that there is a new king and queen in their hands.  The King of Heaven and the Queen of the Clouds welcome the acceptance and lets the mermaids have their land again.  The gate is torn, the flowers bloom, the birds sing, and therefore everyone is happy again.


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