Dream Guy


Dream Guy


Are you only in my dreams? Or are you real to the touch?

You felt so real it made me want to cry when I woke up.

When you smiled at me you filled me with complete happiness.

Please cruel fate am I doomed to never meet him?


Are you just a dream? Or are you a real person?

Will I ever get to feel you hold me in your arms?

Will I ever get to smile like I did in my dream when you looked at me?

Please cruel fate am I doomed to never feel that type of passion?


Are you just a creation in my mind? Or are you made of flesh and bone?

Will I ever meet you?

Will I ever feel your touch?

Will I ever know such love and passion?

Will I ever know?

Please cruel fate why do you haunt me so?


Why do you seem so real in my dreams? Or Are you physically real?

Your perfect dark brown hair.

Your soft brown eyes.

Strong but gentle hands

Your perfect smile that can outshine the sun.

Why cruel fate have you done this to me?

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