[working title]

the irony of aptness

is a stifling conjugation

living in so far as sleeping

as cadavers and stiff derelicts

abrasions and contusions

that adorn our tiny vessels

with our memorandums memorized

through regiments of cloth we've stitched

a matchbook holding unordained potential

to strike a sergeant swarm of savvy saturation

and yet we don't even seem to breathe.

so lets burn these bridges we've built

they only take us to those things we loathe

out of date and immature passages to problems

we don't need no roads to drive on

we can fly away from here

riding on the wings of our steep ambitions

i will show you how to see

the things you cannot seem to grasp

a weightless dance behind your stubborn mask

a glass that’s full of confidence

that you will drink and speak of no fears

or pretentious portraits of self-doubt.

just breathe in me if you wish

to end your suffocation

we don't need the static cling

of fruitless isolation

behind us lay the sordid ruins

of boredom and incompetence

i am only patiently awaiting

to know that you're convinced.

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